Yesterday was a good day! We started out looking for garage sales, driving around wherever we found a sign. We didn't find any. Instead we went to thrift stores, looking for entertainment stands, or really whatever we could find. I found something that I have been looking for for a very long time! Friends, Scene it. Something that you need to know about me: I absolutely love the show FRIENDS. This show has an episode for every life event. It is hilarious! M and I started watching it as soon as we got married, going through all of the seasons. It was something that we looked forward to most nights! Now that we have seen all of the episodes, it's even more fun to play trivia about it!
After we found that, we went to more thrift stores, and came across the dirtiest one that I have ever been in. Another thing you should know about me is that I am kind of a germ freak. This store was disgusting. I mean they had EVERYTHING in there! Bathroom supplies, baby name it. Gross. As we were walking around I told M that we were not buying anything, and to stop touching things! I will never go back there.
Next, we found the most delicious ice cream place right down the road from our apartment (after washing our hands of course!). I had a caramel high rise waffle cone (coffee, caramel and toffee-yum!), and M had a vanilla cone. It was soo good! It's not just your regular kemps ice cream, they actually make it. Sooo good! As we were walking out eating our cones, we decided that it is a place that we will see more of this summer.
At the end of the day we came home to Mr Snoop and made dinner.
As I was reading the part where you were at the gross thrift store, and then went to get ice cream...i quickly thought...."oh....I hope they washed their hands first"!!!:) then i thought you said that mr. snoop made dinner!!!! guess i'm a little sleepy:)